
This wiki page is about the simulation of Chalmers Autonomous Bicycle Project. If you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask to the owner of the repository (Umur E.,


Please see the following articles for the details of control scheme used in this bike simulations:

Modelling and control of an Autonomous Bicycle

Bicycle Dynamics and Control

In this simulation, a bicycle is controlled by 2 controllers in a loop is simulated. An LQR controller is used to balance the bicycle. It calculates the input for the bike to keep it balanced. Another controller (which includes several PID controllers in a loop) is used to calculate the reference stering angle for path tracking. Calculated reference steering angle is sent to LQR controller as a reference.


Simulink model is available here. There are 2 files to run:

bike_init.m Matlab m file to initialize the simulation variables and take the graphical results.
bike_model.slx Simulink file for the simulation. (Matlab 2018a is required.)

Please put all files to the same directory and be sure that your Matlab version is at least Matlab 2018a.


In bike_init.m file there are 4 sections of the code:

1 Initializes the simulation variables and settings. It should be run before the simulation. It also plots the path to be followed and eigenvalues of the system for stability analysis. Plots can be turned off and on depending on the choice.
2 Runs the Simulink simulation (by calling bike_model.slx file).
3 It should be run after the simulation. It gives “reference path vs followed path” and “bike path errors” graphs. Plots can be turned off and on depending on the choice.
4 It is for generating plots where real test and simulation results are presented together. Do not use it if you don’t want to compare real test and simulation results. It requires the real test files in csv format. In default, this section is turned off, so the code file skip that part.

One can run bike_init.m file all together at once; in this case, simulation variables and settings will be created, simulation will run automatically, and then resulting plots will be automatically created. Another option is to run the first section of the bike_init.m, and then to run bike_model.m file manually. By this, one can locate scopes to certain signals to have particular results. Then third section of the bike_init.m can be run after simulation for further plots for the results.


Simulation file bike_model.slx has several important blocks that represent:

physical bicycle bike without sensor or actuators
forward velocity motor actuator actuates the bike to front direction
steering motor actuator steers the steering bar
hall effect sensor sensor measures the forward speed
inertial measurement unit sensor measures the roll angle and roll rate
steering encoder sensor measures steering angle
balance controller controller an LQR controller that controls the bike so that it balances itself, calculates the steering input (steering rate)
path controller controller series of PID controllers that control the bike so that it follows a predetermined trajectory, calculates the reference steering angle to follow the path
global coordinate calculator calculation calculates the global coordinates of the bicycle


This simulation is intended to simulate the dynamics of the real bike. So, one needs to include every kind of detail that exist in the real life, like sensor noise, signal delay, dead-band, hysterisis, maximum acceleration limitations, etc.

In the following table, real life limitations and details taken into consideration for each sub-system of the bicycle is presented:

physical bicycle several different plant models are possible to simulate (linear, nonlinear, etc)
forward velocity motor dynamics of the forward velocity motor (designed as a transfer function)
steering motor max/min speed, max/min acceleration, dead-band, hysteresis, delay, max/min steering angle permitted
hall effect sensor noise on the measurements, minimum possible measurement
inertial measurement unit noise on the accelerometer and gyroscope measurements, several different filters to estimate the roll angle, different sampling time then the rest of the components, dimensions of the point where IMU is placed can be specified
steering encoder noise of the measurements
balance controller different plant models are available to calculate the LQR control law
path controller an experimental look-forward path planning alghoritm is available (NOT FINALIZED!)

There are several different types of the paths created for the simulations. Simplest paths are straight and circular paths. Raidus of the circular path can be scpecified. Another option is to make a simulation with no path tracking, only with self-balancing control.

Parameters Set in the bike_init.m File

There are several parameters that need to be change for each bike or simulation in the bike_init.m file. In the first section, which needs to be run before the simulation, the following parameters exist:

sim_time simulation time [s]
initial_states initial states of the bike at t=0 [roll angle in rad, steering angle in rad, roll rate in rad/s]
input_velocity reference speed of the bicycle [m/s]
min_max_velocity if variable velocity is used in the simulation, min and max values of the reference velocity profile should be specified here for calculating corresponding dynamics [m/s]
noise 1=enable noise on the sensors, 0=disable noise
look_ahead 1=enable look-ahead path control, 0=disable (EXPERIMENTAL, NOT FINALIZED!)
fork_dynamics_lqr 1=take fork dynamics into consideration for LQR calculation 0=don’t consider fork dynamics for LQR
forward_motor_dynamics 1=enable forward motor dynamics, 0=disable
steering_motor_limitations 1=enable limitations (deadband, delay), 0=disable
path_tracking=1; 1=path tracking, 0=only self balancing, no path tracking
plant_model 1=nonlinear plant, 2=linear plant, 3=linear plant with neglected fork angle (the simplest plant)
roll_acceleration_calculation 1=derivate roll rate, 0=use the model to estimate
Ts sample time of the controller [sec]
Ts_IMU sample time of the IMU [sec]
Dead_Band deadband characteristics for steering motor [Dead Band Limit(+,-), Relay], [rad/sec]
max_steering_motor_acc maximum steering motor acceleration [rad/s^2]
min_steering_motor_acc minimum steering motor acceleration [rad/s^2]
max_steering_motor_speed maximum steering motor velocity [rad/s]
min_steering_motor_speed minimum steering motor velocity [rad/s]
delay delay of steering motor [sec]
complementary complementary filter coefficient (0.5<c<1) %0.995
roll_rate_coef coefficient of the low pass filter at the gyro output %0.8
noise_hall variance of hall sensor noise
noise_encoder variance of steering motor encoder noise
noise_gyro variance of gyroscope noise
noise_acc variance of noise of roll angle estimation based on accelerometer
max_roll maximum roll angle permitted [rad] // otherwise simulation stops
max_handlebar maximum handlebar angle [rad] before the saturation
min_roll minimum roll angle permitted [rad] // otherwise simulation stops
min_handlebar minumum handlebar angle [rad] before the saturation
h height of the center of mass (see the paper for more details)
b length between the wheel centers (see the paper for more details)
a horizontal distance from rear wheel to the center of the mass (see the paper for more details)
c length between front wheel contact point and the extention of the fork axis [m]
lambda angle of the fork axis [rad]
IMU_height IMU height [m]
Q cost of the states for the LQR controller
R cost of the inputs for the LQR controller
plots Set to 1 to see the plots [eigenvalue plot, path plot]
radius radius of the path if the path is circle [m]
x_ini_diff initial off-set in x direction for the reference path
y_ini_diff initial off-set in y direction for the reference path
path path to be followed, out of 9 pre-determined paths

In the second section of the bike_init.m, simulation file (bike_model.slx) is called automatically. At the thirds section, 2 plots are created, by setting the following parameters to 1:

Bike_Path_vs_Reference_Path Set to 1 to see bike path vs reference path, set 0 to turn it off
Bike_Path_Error_Inscpection Set to 1 to see bike path errors, set 0 to turn it off

Hence, third section of the code should be run after the simulation.