
Motor Control - MSP430

A TI MSP430F5529 Microcontroller is used to send the PWM signals to the motor controllers used on the bike.

How it works

The BeagleBone connects to the MSP430 using serial communication. The Beaglebone sends a string which indicates which motor should have its input changed and what the input is.

Important information

The MSP430 generates three PWM outputs on P1.2, P1.3, P1.4 using Timer_A configured for UP mode. The PWM period has been set at 20ms.

Each actuator has a unique code to identify it when the Beaglebone sends a serial command.

//  The input code for the Jaguar Steering Motor is #
//  The input code for the Jaguar Brake Actuator is $
//  The input code for the Turnigy Shimano Motor is %

The actuator pulse widths have been defined below:

//  TA0CCR = 710; // corresponds to 0.67ms (Jaguar full reverse)
//  TA0CCR = 1580; // corresponds to 1.5ms (Jaguar neutral)
//  TA0CCR = 2450; // corresponds to 2.33ms (Jaguar full forward)
//  TA0CCR = 1050; // corresponds to 1.0ms (turnigy neutral)
//  TA0CCR = 2100; // corresponds to 2.0ms (turnigy full forward)
//  TA0CCR = 1050; // corresponds to 1.0ms (maxon full reverse)
//  TA0CCR = 1580; // corresponds to 1.5ms (maxon neutral)
//  TA0CCR = 2100; // corresponds to 2.0ms (maxon full forward)

How to modify

You will need to use Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio.

IMU Data -Arduino

How it works

Important information

How to modify

Bike Computer - Beaglebone Black

A Beaglebone Black has been used to run all of the software on the bike.

How it works

The Beaglebone has a built-in wifi access point and multiple pins for sending and receiving signals. It runs debian linux.

Important information

Beaglebone info:

Beaglebone First Run:

Internet Access

To connect to the internet, attach the usb cable and run in the root folder

cd ~/chalmersbike

sudo ./

Enter the password temppwd when prompted

Make sure you follow the instructions to setup Windows to share internet over USB

Using the repo

Clone the repo

git clone cd chalmersbike

Setup virtual environment and install required packages

sudo apt-get install build-essential libi2c-dev i2c-tools python-dev libffi-dev

sudo pip install pipenv

pipenv install --two (We are using Python 2.7)

Initial setup

To make sure all these pins are assigned to their proper functions, run

Config stuff

The beaglebone can be set to autorun the init codes on login. The file that must be changed is /home/debian/.bashrc The lines that must be added are:

cd ~/chalmersbike


pipenv shell

cd src

How to modify